Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- c -
- calibrate() : BluetoothPlugin , Device , SpotPlugin , Plugin
- CANCEL_SELECTION : TrainingParametersDialog
- capacity() : DeviceList
- chasers : CowSprite
- checkmark : FROGUI
- CIRCLE : DemoController
- circles : ClassifierTestFile
- classify() : Bayesian , Classifier
- clear() : DeviceList
- clearData() : Plot2D
- clearStats() : GestureModel , GestureHMM
- clone() : DeviceList
- close() : Log , SpotConnection
- codeBase : Frog
- configure : FROGUI
- conn : FrogSpot
- connect() : BluetoothPlugin , Device , Plugin , SpotPlugin
- CONNECTED : FrogSpot
- ConnectionManager() : ConnectionManager
- connections : SpotPlugin
- contains() : DeviceList
- containsAll() : DeviceList
- controller : DemoGame
- copyInto() : DeviceList
- correct() : GestureModel , GestureHMM
- CORRUPT_DATA : Frog_Spot_Constants
- COW_HEIGHT : DemoGame
- COW_IMG : DemoGame
- COW_WIDTH : DemoGame
- CowSprite() : CowSprite