FROG Recognizer of Gestures

Package frog.gui


class  DemoPanel
 The DemoPanel is the screen that displays before the game is launched. More...
class  DeviceDialog
 DeviceDialog is a modal JDialog that appears when the user wishes to select a device and filters. More...
class  DeviceList
 Special list model for use with the FROGUI. More...
class  DevicePanel
 Displays a Device's status. More...
class  EvaluationBarGraph
 EvalutionBarGraph is a specialized JPanel that displays the correct/incorrect/not recognized statistic for a GestureModel. More...
class  EvaluationBarGraphs
 EvaluationBarGraphs is a specialized JTabbedPane that is tied to a given gesture session. More...
class  EvaluationPanel
 EvaluationPanel contains the GUI elements for graphing experiments with the device in an attempt to analyze its accuracy. More...
class  ExternalConsoleDialog
 ExternalConsoleDialog is a non-modal JDialog that contains a JTextArea. More...
class  FileManagement
 Static FROGUI methods for saving and loading Session files. More...
class  FROGUI
 Main class for the Team Better Recognize GUI for FROG. More...
class  GestureEditDialog
 Dialog for editing gestures called from GestureGridPanel. More...
class  GestureGridPanel
 GestureGridPanel is the JPanel that appears on the right side of the TrainPanel. More...
class  GesturePanel
 Represents a single gesture. More...
class  MainPanel
 MainPanel is the opening page for the FROG GUI. More...
class  PlayerPanel
 PlayerPanel is used to represent a single player on the DemoPanel. More...
class  Plot2D
 Draws a simple line graph of one or more series of data. More...
class  Plot3D
 Panel containing a 3D representation of incoming accelerations from the user. More...
class  RecognitionPanel
 RecognitionPanel allows up to four users to start using a previously trained Session to recognize gestures they have created. More...
class  RecognitionSectionPanel
 RecognitionSectionPanel is a sub-panel of RecognitionPanel used to represent each User. More...
class  SpringUtilities
 A 1.4 file that provides utility methods for creating form- or grid-style layouts with SpringLayout. More...
class  TerminalMenu
 TerminalMenu is a class for quickly generating the "Terminal" drop-down menu common to every mode. More...
class  TrainingParametersDialog
 Dialog for choosing gesture training settings such as how to model the gesture and what thresholds to use. More...
class  TrainPanel
 TrainPanel represents the Training mode for FROG. More...
class  User
 This class is the FROGUI abstraction for Session. More...
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