Weekly Activity Reports

April 29 - May 5

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Fix all errors/thoroughly test application. Everyone N/A No
Prepare for final presentation (Add to current PP) Everyone N/A No Need to add some slides and practice with them.
Make sure total application is commented for the future. Everyone N/A No

April 23 - April 28

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
AWS email solution Alexander/Katie N/A Yes New email solution works with gmail. Also implemented 100 per day solution.
Update SRS as changes are made to project Everyone N/A Yes SRS was finished.
Testing Documentation Everyone N/A Yes All important test cases were written and tested.
Continue testing application on server Everyone 3 hours No In the process of fixing all errors to make application as safe as possible.
Send application to Kayla for testing Alexander N/A Yes She got to have her own run through during meeting.

April 16 - April 22

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
AWS email solution, deployment description in developer manual, AWS account description in user manual Alexander N/A No Received permission to send 50,000 emails from amazon and now need to implement solution
Finish SRS Katie N/A Yes Minor edits are left
Testing Documentation Everyone N/A No Half way completed
Integration Testing, Merge all branches to Master Everyone N/A Yes Integration is done and is working
Help Kayla set up AWS account Everyone N/A Yes

April 8 - April 15

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
AWS email solution, deployment description in user manual Alexander 5 hrs No Started research into AWS email, requested bigger volume of emails.
JUnit testing, documentation Katie 5 hrs No Started SRS document. Still a lot of typing to go!
Spring Security Justin 5 hrs Yes Security working, now it just needs to be integrated.
Phase I JUnit testing, finish scheduler front end Zach and Huy 5 hrs No Updates made to front end to improve UI, still need a few details (How To description) and integration.
Prepare for upcoming presentations Everyone 6 hrs Yes After a lot of practice, our presentation went really well! Go team!

April 1 - April 8

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Merge template fixes, work on Power Point, get elastic IP Alexander 5 hrs Yes Began looking into AWS email solution.
Power Point Presentation, User Manual, and documentation updates. Also email fix Katie 5 hrs Yes Developed PP presentation, looked into email solution.
Spring Security Justin 5 hrs Yes Login/Security now correctly works for admin, and doctor forms/scheduler.
Phase I doctors buisness logic Zach and Huy 5 hrs Yes Phase I doctor business logic was developed.
Test and finalize admin view Huy 5 hrs Yes Changes still need to be made to view doctor schedules

Mar 25 - April 1

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Test deployed project on AWS Huy,Justin,Katie,Zach,Alex 5+ hrs Yes Continue to deploy latest version on AWS and test
Finish coding admin view doctor schedules Justin, Zach 3 hrs Yes Coded, but yet to be fully tested
Work on user manual for project Katie 5 hrs Yes Added foundational material
Finalize doctor schedule (excel) export Justin 3 hrs Yes From Kaya's input
Continue to improve individual use cases Huy,Justin,Zach,Katie,Alex 10 hrs Yes Mainly UC1 and UC3
Error Handling Huy,Justin,Zach,Katie,Alex 5 hrs Yes Account for possible scenarios that may occur when admin is uploading files, viewing schedules, or sending emails and when students are scheduling

Mar 18 - Mar 25

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Deploy updated project and fix css for UC1 Alexander 5 hrs Yes Also coordinate with kayla and Ivy
Test and finalize Import and email Katie 5 hrs YES
Test and finalize export and admin login Justin 5 hrs Yes Still need to make minor changes to doctor (excel) export. Login/registration/security still needs work
Test and finalize UC 4 Zach 5 hrs Yes Minor changes regarding front end still need to be made
Test and finalize admin view Huy 5 hrs Yes Changes still need to be made to view doctor schedules

Mar 11 - Mar 18

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Deploy onto AWS Alexander 35 hrs Yup Deployment onto personal URL
Alter Import page and expand email UC Katie 6 hrs Yes Implemnet changes doctors suggested
View Schedules UC and Login Justin 15 hrs Yes Security on login page too
Bring UC4 to full fidellity Huy, Zach 15 hrs Yes Need Kayla's approval

Mar 4 - Mar 11

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Deploy onto AWS Alexander 6 hrs Yes Contact TCU it guy. AWS is a proof of concept
Update documentation Katie 4 hrs Yes mainly the sdp and kanban
Sync types and classes between use cases Justin, Huy, Zach 16 hrs Yes Cut the fat out of the code

Feb 25 - Mar 4

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Reintegrate updated use cases Alexander, Katie, Justin, Huy, Zach 4 hrs YES All UC's are integrated into one cohesive program
Add security protocol to application Justin 3 hrs YES Using Spring Security
Finalize Login and Registration Page Justin 4 hrs YES Beautifuly finished and functional
Switch from H2 database to mySQL db Justin, Alex 4 hrs YES Spring makes this a fairly simple change
Create Integration Test for respective use cases Zach, Alex, Justin, Katie, Huy 4 hrs (each) YES Each member will work on creating unit tests for the use cases they have worked on
Develop Email Functionalities Katie, Huy 4 hrs YES Sending emails out to students when it is time for them to schedule
Research and work on uploading app to server Alex 4 hrs YES We will move forward with uploading app to AWS even though we still have not received addtional info on server preference
Increase Fidelity of front end for all use cases Katie, Huy, Justin, Zach, Alex 4 hrs YES none

Feb 18 - Feb 25

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Complete Project Intergration Alexander, Katie, Justin, Huy, Zach 3 hrs YES none
Create UC 1 & UC 2 Unit Test Alex 2 hrs NO All members are now working on unit tests for use cases
Integrate Location for UC 4 Zach, Huy 4 hrs YES Location is now used for student scheduling (not brute force method)
Create UC 6 Unit Test Justin 2 hrs NO none
Create Integration Test Zach, Alex, Justin, Katie, Huy 4 hrs YES none
Develop Email Functionalities Katie 2 hrs NO Huy and Katie are now working together to complete this task

Feb 11 - Feb 18

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
UC 1 and 2 integration Alexander Parris 2 hrs YES none
UC 6 format output into excel file Justin 2 hrs YES none
UC 4 integration Justin, Zach, Huy 2 hrs NO none
Brute force algorithm design Huy 3 hrs YES none
UC 4 development completion Zach 3 hrs NO none
UC 7 integration Katie 2 hrs YES none
Create UC 7 unit tests Katie 6 hrs YES Both documentation and physical code

Feb 4 - Feb 10

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Update SDP for the remaining sprints Katie 1 hr YES none
UC 1 and 2 developed to low fidelity Alexander Parris 7 hr YES none
UC 4 development, implementing Ajax Huy, Zach 7 hrs YES none
Ajax Research Huy, Zach, Justin 5 hrs YES none
Brute force algorithm design Huy 2 hrs YES Back-up plan in case the student-selected scheduling method fails
UC 7 increase in fidelity Katie 4 hrs YES none

Jan 28 - Feb 3

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
UC 1 and 2 low fidelity Alex 3 hr YES Need to integrate due to DB change
Update documentation Alexander Parris 30 min YES none
UC 7 low fidelity Katie 6 hrs YES Need to converse with Kayla about format
UC 6 low fidelity Justin 4 hrs YES Need to converse with Kayla about format
UC 3 low fidelity Zach 3 hrs YES JS does not communicate with the DB
UC 4 improvments Huy 3 hrs YES AJAX needed

Dec 3 - Dec 10

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Work on Front End Communication With Back End The Yellow Walkman 10 hr NO none
Documentation Update Katie 2 hrs YES none
Student Schedule Page Testing Justin 4 hrs NO none
Student Schedule Page Design Zach 6 hrs YES none
Researched AJAX, Thymeleaf Huy, ALex 7 hrs YES none

Nov 26 - Dec 3

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Develop front end Alex, Justin 3 hr YES none
Javascript Huy, Zach 4 hrs YES none
Documentation Katie 4 hrs YES none

Nov 19 - Nov 26

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Review Udamey Videos on Spring Framework The Yellow Walkman 5 hrs NO/td> none
Continue Watching Spring Videos and Begin Establishing Database The Yellow Walkman 4 hrs YES none
Spring Videos, Database, and Spring controllers Alex, Justin 3 hrs YES none
Worked on web page Justin, Zach 2 hrs YES none

Nov 12 - Nov 19

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Spring MVC Justin, Alex 6 hr YES none
SDP Katie 4 hrs YES none
Front end functionality Huy 6 hrs YES none
Research Thymleaf Zach 4 hrs YES none

Nov 5 - Nov 12

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Meet with Kayla and Honor The Yellow Walkman 1 hr YES none
Glossery and SDP Katie, Alex 4 hrs YES none
Test Scheduling Scenerios Huy 4 hrs YES none
Research Framework Zach 2 hrs YES none
Research Algorithem Justin 2 hrs YES none

Oct 29 - Nov 5

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Create Prototype Huy, Alex 2 hrs YES none
Update Use Cases Katie, Zach 4 hrs YES none
Research Algorithem Justin 2 hrs YES none

Oct 22 - Oct 29

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Assign Story Points Katie, Zach, Justin, Alex 1 hr YES none
Assign Use Cases to Iteration Katie, Zach, Justin, Alex 2 hrs YES none
Create PowerPoint for Presentation to Board Katie, Zach, Justin, Alex 2 hrs YES none
Decide on Framework Katie, Zach, Justin, Alex, Huy 1 hrs YES none

Oct 15 - Oct 21

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Update Use Cases Katie, Huy, Zach, Justin, Alex 1 hr YES none
Power Point Katie 2 hrs YES none
DB Design Alex 4 hrs NO none
V1 Mockups Justin 2 hrs NO none
Research Form Options Zach 2 hrs NO none

Oct 7 - Oct 14

Activity Member(s) Duration Completed? Comments
Use Cases v1 Katie, Huy, Zach, Justin, Alex 4 hrs YES none
Research Frameworks Alex, Huy 8 hrs NO none
Research MBTest Katie 4 hrs NO none
Dreamweaver + Site Justin 4 hrs NO none